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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Animation Gif

Animation Gif

This is from the internet

Not designed to be looked at for a long period of time

Not so good with photos or videos or scenes that were made out of pixels

Basic animation or Minimal Animation

 I have changed the dog's noise slightly in Photoshop and continued to pull the dog's noise frame by frame and went on gifmaker to download my gif and uploaded it. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Digital Video

I have insert a video from YouTube and find what videos to upload on.

I have used bedcode to upload this video from YouTube.

I have used the same bedcode from the YouTube but on google.

Eye - Optical illusion (HD-720p).mp4 from Bernd Bitzer on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Original student photos

This is my original photographs taking in the studio.

digital photography

This is from the internet

I have chosen this picture because it shows a beautiful view of the landscape to know what other countries look like around the world.

This picture also shows a beautiful view of the large waterfall cave and the ways it shows how every waterfall is different in is own way of nature.

This picture shows a massive village covered in snow and a stunning view, and the light also glows and shines in the midnight sky.

This picture shows a terrifying feeling to walk through the misty forest and a different perspective than the other forests.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

what to consider making a blog

What to consider in the blog.
- Relevant
-Easy to find information
- All links work
- Good layout

You should improve by adding more writing and you have considered the right subject of what the blog is set as and maybe colour.

You should improve by adding more writing and the layout needs more colour to make it
stand out more.

Types of interactive media
 you could use these for entertainment, fun or education