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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Final Feedback And Evaluation

Everyone has said I have completed my work on my blog.

I've have done well of completing my work on my blogger and change everything that I've missed and needed to work on.

When doing my work in my blog I didn't do well in my animated gif because I didn't have much time and too slow to finish it.

When doing a new post in my blog I'm going to improve on putting in more detail to explain what each post meant and even to improve my animated gif.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Embedded games

This is a embedded game called Days Wake Up in my blog from What I like about this game is you can walk around as a male model character inside the house telling you what the male model wants and what to do.
This is a embedded game called Ninja Arena Warrior from What I like about this game is that you can play as a Ninja model warrior and kill as many as you can and getting killed plenty of times by other Ninja warriors or challenge yourself without dying.
This is a embedded game called The Winter Games: Skiing from What I like about this game is that you can control the mouse to move the model character on the skiing to try to avoid banging into trees and tells you the number you had scored at the end of the game to restart all over again.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019